Lacrimosa в Краснодаре. 23.06.2008
Скачать видеоотчёт о данном невероятном мероприятии можно тут (откроется в новом окне):
Данная страница делалась для моего товарища из Гватемалы, потому подписи на английском.
In the train. Direction - Krasnodar!
Industrial landscapes on the railway station. We are just arrived.
A lot of fuel tanks... Some sepia effect.
The best hotel of Krasnodar where we hope to catch Lacrimosa. This not happen. They lie for the night in other hotel :)
Near the music store, where the Lacrimosa gives interviews and autographs.
Not every fan will take the autograph. A lot of people, but a little time. We already have all that we want (legal copy of DVD "Lichtjahre" and autographs on the big HQ-poster)
Inside the shop.
Tilo with the silver (or silver-like) star on the breast :)
Outside again. Passers people are embarrassingled. Goths from Rostov-on-Don. They will be whipped by bad guys at the night streets after the show. We will be waiting Lacrimosa after concert, and will be not whipped with them :)
Lacrimosa's car behind the gate in the backyard of music store.
Time to walk and see the town. Memorial to Vladimir Lenin - leader of revolution in 1917 and main russian communist.
He have a lot of memorials and street's names in every city in Russia.
The Theatre of Drama
Also you can see blue russian car - object of many jokes. This unit have scary design and doubtful quality.
Memorial to 200 years of south-russian cossacs. This memorial was destroyed in 1920 and built again in 1999
Place of Culture. Place, where Lacrimosa will be playing tonight.
New people came on concert. And disfocussed bird.
Yeah! 2.5 hours of happines begins!
Anne, sweet Anne...
Inferno's Tilo?
Bad photo with some effects are not so bad :)
After 2 hours of waiting. Drinked Lacrimosa was gone out from the afterpaty with some fans.
After few photos Anne first sit in car.
Tilo have been photographed with everyone who wish. In short talk he told me with pleased face, that they have a good time in Krasnodar and remain satisfied by people and show.
The party is over...
The setlist.
At the bus station, near the railroad station. Night. Waiting of the daybreak train to Rostov-on-Don.
Near the bus station again. Place, where the vagrants sleeping at night. Sad, but true.
"Krasnodar-I" the big mysterios lights logo on first bus station (Krasnodar have two cros sities bus stations, one railroad station and airport)
Bad photo of good poster. Memorial of the summer, 2008
Скачать видеоотчёт о данном невероятном мероприятии можно тут: или тут: Lacrimosa - live in Krasnodar [CamRip, 23.06.2008].avi
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